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Indian civilization and culture summary in english pdf

Indian civilization and culture summary in english pdf

About the Author :-

 Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi was born at Porbandar (Gujrat) on 2nd oct, 1869. He is popularly known as ‘Bapu’/ father of nation. He was a spiritual leader. He believed in truth and non – violence. He devoted himself to Indian politics from 1915 to 1948. He went to England for studying Law. He started advocacy in Mumbai High Court. He wrote his autobiography ‘My Experiments with Truth’. He died on 30thJanuary 1948.


Agni Bihar BSEB summary class 12th English in hindi


 ‘Indian Civilization and Culture’ has been written by Mahatma Gandhi. In this essay, he described the importance of Indian Civilization. He says that Indian Civilization has kept its basic character very safe till now. It is unique and it cannot be beaten in the world. Rome, Greece, China and many other countries left their own ancient civilization and accepted western civilization. The people of those countries believe in materialism, but Indian Civilization did not change. It has kept its ancient civilization. It is really said that our mind is a restless bird. We have many desires but we must control our mind and desires. Our ancestors did not want to live in cities. According to them cities are full of corruption, gangs of robbers, thieves, pl prostitution and anti – social elements. So people cannot be happy there. The Indians believe in God, soul, religion, purity, restriction, plain living anf high thinking but the people of western countries believe in materialism, attraction, human desire, luxurious life, discoveries of modern things etc. At last he says that our civilization, culture etc depend on restricting wants and self – control but western civilization depends on human wants. We should not believe in only happiness, joy and narrow thinking. Ghandhi ji says that physical rest is also necessary but it should be in limit.


 Answer the following questions :

 1.‘Indian Civilization and Culture’ is written by………………..

(A) Shiga Naoya

(B) Mahatma Gandhi

(C) Germaine Greer

(D) D L Sayers


Class 12 , bihar board exam preparation material 

Indian civilization and culture summary in english pdf download free BSEB inter class 12th by- Rahul Kumar 


Thank you all of you 
